I did a lab in which we were to find the 1st resonance and 2nd resonance and from them we found wavelength which in turn helped us find speed of sound. We used tuning forks and the frequancy was given. We besically moved a plastic tube which was in water up along with he tuning fork (in air) until resonance was heard.
1. Sound travels faster in water than air. In the experiment, which aspects of wavelength, speed of sound and frequancy changed when part of sound travelled through water?
(my question: when did a part of sound travel through water?)
2. If speed of sound in water is faster by a factor of 4 how much did the wave length and frequancy change?
(my answer: after I answer the first question I'll figure out whether frequancy and wavelength actually do change when mediums are changed and if so I'll multiply by 4. Is this correct?)