i did 7 tests out of 8 tests. The worth of all of my tests is 70%. i currently have a 53% right now and get a 80% on my test what would be my grade ?

1 answer

To calculate your overall grade, you need to consider both the weights of the completed tests and the test you are about to take. Since you've done 7 out of 8 tests, each test carries 70% / 7 = 10% weight.

Currently, the tests you've completed add up to a total of 10% × 7 = 70%.

Let's say you receive an 80% on the final test. This test will be worth 10% of your overall grade.

To calculate your overall grade, you need to average the completed tests' worth (70%) and the final test's worth (80%).

Overall grade = (70% + 80%) / 2 = 75%

Therefore, your current grade would be 75%.