Before Dawn Waste Market Research Survey Questionnaire
Instructions for Completion:
Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. This questionnaire is designed to gather insights about our products and services. Your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. For closed-ended questions, please circle or tick your answer. For open-ended questions, please provide detailed responses in the space provided.
Section A: Demographic Questions (4 x 1 mark)
What is your age?
- [ ] Under 18
- [ ] 18-24
- [ ] 25-34
- [ ] 35-44
- [ ] 45-54
- [ ] 55-64
- [ ] 65 or older
What is your gender?
- [ ] Male
- [ ] Female
- [ ] Non-Binary
- [ ] Prefer not to say
What is your highest level of education?
- [ ] High School Graduate
- [ ] Some College
- [ ] Bachelor’s Degree
- [ ] Master’s Degree
- [ ] Doctorate Degree
What is your employment status?
- [ ] Employed Full-Time
- [ ] Employed Part-Time
- [ ] Unemployed
- [ ] Student
- [ ] Retired
Section B: Product/Service and Market Related Questions (4 x 2 marks)
Which of the following waste management services have you used before? (Select all that apply)
- [ ] Residential Waste Collection
- [ ] Commercial Waste Collection
- [ ] Recycling Services
- [ ] Hazardous Waste Disposal
- [ ] None of the above
How satisfied are you with the waste management services you currently use?
- [ ] Very satisfied
- [ ] Satisfied
- [ ] Neutral
- [ ] Unsatisfied
- [ ] Very unsatisfied
What factors do you consider most important when choosing a waste management service? (Select up to 3)
- [ ] Price
- [ ] Quality of Service
- [ ] Environmental Responsibility
- [ ] Customer Service
- [ ] Availability of Additional Services
- [ ] Recommendations/Reviews
Please describe any improvements you would like to see in the waste management services you currently use:
Respondent Remarks (2 x 1 mark)
What additional services would you like Before Dawn Waste to offer?
Any additional comments or suggestions?
Thank you for your valuable input!
Your feedback is important in helping us improve our services at Before Dawn Waste. If you would like to receive updates about our services or results of this survey, please provide your email address below (optional):
Email: _____________________________________________________
End of Questionnaire