I like reason 2
For reason 1, you'd better check on the meaning of "uneasy"
i decided to make the claim more positive and want to see if it's valid:
Example: I bought this art kit and i'm pretty happy with it!< claim) The paint brushes are smooth and the bristles don't become frizzy and uneasy to use.<reason 1)
I love that there's a variety of paint, markers, colored pencils. It is easy to make smooth gradients with the markers and pencils. < reason 2)
3 answers
Thanks! I was a little unsure about "uneasy" so is this better?: "make it easy to use. or: "makes it better to use then other types of paint brushes"
The paint brushes are smooth and the bristles don't become frizzy and u̶n̶e̶a̶s̶y̶ hard to use.