I couldn't find the answers to the "Split in the Party" quickcheck anywhere, so I just did the assessment on my own, and here are the answers.

1.) Andrew Jackson indtroduced mud-slinging, which is the name for which of the following political procedures?
Answer: Attempting to damage an opponent's reputation by making malicious or untrue charges

2.) President Jackson encouraged other states to pass the same ____ laws as South Carolina.
Answer: voting

3.) John C. Calhoun left the vice presidency to become a senator for South Carolina because he
Answer: did not get along with President Jackson

These answers are 100% correct for the "Split in the Party" quickcheck, I promise. Have a great day, all! <3
-Jamie Campbell Bower's biggest fan

4 answers

Are they right?
@jamie campbell bower's biggest fan is correct. Thx for the help
you dont understand how much this helps me, thank you so much
Thank you so much,