I. Classical Conditioning

For the scenario presented below, identify the five major elements of classical conditioning: NS, UCS, UCR, CS, CR. Each answer is only ONE OR TWO words, just like the examples we discuss(ed) in class. If you write a sentence, it will be incorrect because it will include many elements that are NOT part of the answer. Do NOT insert the terms into the text, because it will not be clear to which item you are referring.

1. Beth was fond of typing on her computer. One day, however, she received a painful shock from the computer, and now she is afraid to go near it. Whenever she sees a computer she gets the same uneasy feeling.
NS = Uneasy feeling CS =
UCR = CR =

Your friend was driving down the road listening to a Taylor Swift song when he hit a patch of ice and lost control of his vehicle. The car spun out of control several times before coming to a stop. Your friend was terrified but not injured. Now, whenever he hears any Taylor Swift song he gets an uneasy anxious feeling, even though she had previously been one of his favorite artists.
NS = CS =
UCR = CR =

1 answer

In classical conditioning, the unconditoned stimulus (US) is one which reflexively causes a response. One example is putting something into your mouth causes salivation. In this case the unconditioned response (UR) is the response to a US presented alone, the salivation.

A conditioned stimulus (CS) originally has little or no effect. Only when the CS is repeatedly paired with a US (or previously learned CS) will it become a CS. A good example is the sound of a cellophane wrapper being opened. Originally it has little or no effect. However, after being repeatedly paired with eating candy or other foods, it alone will produce the conditioned response. The conditioned response (CR) is one given to the CS when presented alone.