I checked the sentence as you told me. I included a few other sentences I need to prepare on Poe.

1) In July 1814 the couple fled to France and later moved to Switzerland, where they rented a house on the banks of Lake Geneva.
2) Under the influence of her husband she was inspired to write her novel “Frankenstein”, which was published anonymously in 1818.
3) He is confined to (also "in") a cottage.
4) Poe can be regarded as the first theorist on short stories.
In his Philosophy of Composition he worked out a theory about the Unity of effects, inspired by Schlegel and Coleridge, which he applied not only to his poems but to his tales as well.
5) He claimed that the main intent of a writer is not to develop ideas, but simply to create a "single effect" which must be conceived beforehand and to which everything must tend.
6) In other words, all the incidents that make up a story or a tale must be invented to work out this effect, which is to strike the reader so as to keep him virtually prisoner inside the work itself.
7) Fear, for example, is (was) often the effect Poe chose for many of his short stories and every word was carefully chosen to create an effect of fear within the mind of the reader.

1 answer

1. comma needed

2. comma needed -- novel's title is indicated how?

3. "confined to a cottage" (not "in")

4. Is that the title of a book or an article or what?

No capital on "unity"

comma needed

5. OK

6. OK

7. was
comma needed