I checked the pronunciation of 'upload' in some dictionaries.
I could find several ones.
How do we pronounce 'upload'? When upload is used as a verb, do we put the primary stress on the second syllable? Do we put the primary stress on the first syllable when 'upload' is used as a noun? Some dictionaries seem to say that. In another dictionary, 'upload' is used as a verb, and the primary stress was on the first syllable. Which one do we have to use? When 'upload' is used as a verb, in BE, the primary stress is on the second syllable, while in AE, the primary stress is on the first syllabe? Am I right?
1. upload
(ʌpˈləʊd) Collins
2. verb uk /ʌpˈləʊd/
us /ˈʌpˌləʊd/ Cambridge
3. upload
verb | up¡¤load |\(ˌ)əp-ˈlōd, ˈəp-ˌ\
4. 1 upload /ˌʌpˈloʊd/ verb
2 upload /ˈʌpˌloʊd/ noun
Webster..Learner's Dictionary
5. upload
Pronunciation: /ʌpˈləʊd/
Pronunciation: /ˈʌpləʊd/
1 answer
When used as a verb, though, in its past tense, the second syllable should be stressed: up load' ed