1. I don't think "No Man's Land" fits very well -- http://thesaurus.com/browse/no+man%27s+land -- "the middle ground" is probably more fitting, or maybe "the wilderness" would work.
2. OK
3. delete "of hearts" and it'll be fine
4. OK
I can't find proper synonym in 1 and 3 and I'm not sure about punctuation whenusing linkers.Thank you.
1) Teenagers sometimes feel as if they are caught in a No-Man’s-Land (synonym?) between childhood and adulthood.
2) On the one hand, they want to be treated as adults and take responsibility for the actions. On the other hand, they are perhaps not mature enough to deal with the consequences of their actions.
In addition, they don’t want to part from their family (to leave their family.)
3) Parents find themselves in a similar position. They know in their hearts of heart (synonym) that their children have grown up and therefore don’t need the same protection as before.
4) As a consequence, children and parents find it difficult to achieve a new balance in their relationship.
1 answer