I cannot think of a creative essay topic related to the subject of "energy efficiency in my home." Please help!

You could write from the point of view of someone who is buying a brand new house and can select all the appliances -- and then do so with energy efficiency ratings in mind. You can look them up at stores or online. www.sears.com or www.homedepot.com should be good places to start looking.

You could also write about the difference between a household with three children who never turn off lights, televisions, etc., and a household with children trained to turn off unused electrical items, take short showers (no baths), turn off the water when brushing teeth, etc.

I hope these ideas get you going. You should be able to think of more.


I appreciate your time. Thank-you.

In addition to the excellent suggestions already received you may expand your house energy audit to include other items.

Some homes are designated as energy star homes. These homes include items of jot only appliances.
You should look up energy star homes in a good search engine. Energy star homes include efficient insulation, glass which resists cold from entering, insulation that has a high R value and that is properly installed, efficient heating and air conditioning systems, and even efficient lighting.

New Homes : ENERGY STAR http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=new_homes.hm_index