i cannot seem to get anywere ive been trying everything all day please help!!!!!!!!Objective of Exercise: Select any of the subordinate groups from Ch. 1 of the text, provided below. Because the chapter does not list all subordinate groups, you may select any other group that has a documented history in the United States.
Identify and describe which, if any, of these creation and consequence situations the group has faced:
o Creation: migration, annexation, or colonization
o Consequences: extermination, expulsion, secession, segregation, fusion, or assimilation
Write a fictional, first-person account of the creation and consequence situations of a subordinate group in the United States in the form of a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry.
Describe, as if you were a member of that subordinate group, where the group originated, how it came to the United States, and one or two locations in the United States where members of your group live. Be creative in your fictional descriptions, but accurate with your facts. Search through chapters of the text, the Internet, or the University Library for information about your chosen group
1 answer
Go to your Chapter 1 and select one of the groups. Then, describe how it was created, and the consequences of creation of that group. Do it in a first person (I) fictional account. Fictional account means make it up.