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1. Be sure you have both the spell checker and grammar checker active as you proof your paper. Keep in mind that the grammar checker will primarily pick up on passive sentences (verb forms) and that making sentences active will help reduce your word count.
2. Run your paper through the system at https://www.grammarly.com
3. Read and study this: http://guidetogrammar.org/grammar/concise.htm
Use the ideas here to help trim excess wording out of your sentences.
4. If you come across difficult sentences that you want to expand or reduce, post those sentences and your questions about them in this thread.
5. If you have other questions about your paper, look for ideas in this index: http://guidetogrammar.org/grammar/index2.htm
I am writing a speech on Shakespeare's play 'Julius Caesar'. I am now in the editing stage, but struggle with cutting down to the word limit and revising the introduction and conclusion. Could anyone kindly help me (I would like to send my speech and details of the task to your email if you do not mind).
1 answer