I am writing a paper about Emotional and behavior disorders

I am not sure the website in my paper. I would be good ones to use my the possible outcomes for the child who is exposed to this particular type of risk. How might this risk factor impact the child's ability to learn and his/her behavior in an early education setting? How might the risk factors impact his/her family and parenting challenges?

10 answers

Conduct your searches here, and you'll know your sources are good ones.

I have done that am really hard time with finding articles.

Scroll down to How to Google and read and follow directions.

If you still have no success, let us know what search terms you've been using.
The terms I been using Emotional and behavior disorders
it is an odd premise: All factors in every child's life affect learning styles and behaviors .
So what you have to focus in on are terms and definitions first...
Emotional and behavior disorders: What does that mean? Is being a Republican an emotional disorder?
"risk" factors. That to me is what is the problem in social science: what one sees as a risk factor, others see as normal or natural. Take nudity. or Social drinking. or aggressive speech. or joining a Pentacostal church. Or family sleeping on the same bed? or girls dressing in boy's clothes? are these risk factors?
So to me, once you figure out what you are talking about, searching google will become much easier.
On google I kept getting a this What are some types of behavioral disorders? It had a list of different types of behavior disorders. Could this help me?
if it helps you narrow down what you are wanting to write on, yes.
but first, you need to decide what it is you are searching.
Could it be physical abuse of children and the effects?
could it be alcholism and the effects on chidren
Could it be ...
ADHD is behavior disorder
You wrote above, " the possible outcomes for the child who is exposed to this particular type of risk."

What is the cause of ADHD? How can a child be "exposed" to a "risk" that would bring on ADHD? Is there such a risk, in the same way that poverty or alcholic parents are risks. And why do some children exposed to the same risks perform differently in school and in public?

I think you need to choose a risk factor that has clearly identifiable causes and clearly identifiable results.
I look up the causes of this risk factor.