I am working on a powerpoint presentation. which requires of me to presented to a 9yr old kid which explains judaism to them with appropirate slides for them and speaker notes.this is my first time working with this religion and powerpoint can someone help me edit my work.thank you.

I am having trouble to fix it correctly.
one of my slides the point that i have to cover it says:

relationship with god/torah

what the points i got for this was:
*torah is the foundation of jews
*the jewish bible is torah
*there are five text
*Genesis, exodous,levitiaus, numbers, and deuteronomy
*books have two names(mosses or pentateuch)

then i have to have speaker notes which i have no idea.

I have other slides but i am trying to work one by one.

there is a text limitation to approximately five lines;approximately five words per bulleted item

I don't have time this morning to elaborate, I have to sell GScout cookies all day. But one point to consider: Is this slide about the Torah, or about relationship with God? Those are vastly different things. If it is about relationship with God, then you ought to have something about
The God image (father, creator, the I AM, or whatever.
How one gets to God
How God relates to Jews.

If you intended to talk about the Torah, you covered it will enough. You might discuss how a synagogue gets a copy.

speaker notes: This is keywords or phrases you need to cover when talking.

oh thank you. I wish i knew you in person to buy gscout cookies my family loves them.good luck in your sale.