The following summarizes the bonding.
s + s = sigma bond
p + p = pi bond
s + p = sigma bond
a. see table.
b. see table.
c. no bond is formed BECAUSE the 2px and 2py are at right angles to each other and no interaction takes place.
d. pi bond. see table.
f. see table.
Look at the picture model of the first site shown here.
I am very confused about hybridization in general. Please give an explanation on how to do this.
Which of the following pairs of atomic orbitals of adjacent nuclei can overlap to form a sigma bond? a pi bond? or no bond at all?
a) 1s and 1s
b) 1s and 2px
c) 2px and 2py
d) 3py and 3py]
f) 1s and 2s
1 answer