I am trying to complete a 750 to 1000 word essay but I completely have no clue what to write about and my writing skills is a bit lacking. I am not looking for someone to write this for me, someone who can guide me to complete this.

This is the final paper result
Your final paper should be
at least three but no more than ten pages long, or between 750 and
2500 words.
Be sure the paper follows a logical order, and check your writing
to make sure you stick to a single point of view. Add a hook to the
beginning, and give your writing punch.

19 answers

What suggestions for a topic were you given?

Is this to be a report or an essay? What kind of essay?
It could be any topic that we can write about and I was going to write about my brothers wedding.
This is all what it tells me in the book that it can be between 3 to 10 pages but not exceeding 750 1000 words.
If you're going to write about your brother's wedding, your essay should be full of colorful detail.

You first need a thesis statement.


Then you need at least three facts that support your thesis. I suggest that you put these in outline form before you begin to write your paper.
Thank you. May I post my essay on here and have you review it before I send it to the school?
Yes. Someone here will read it and make comments on it.
I have to do the same thing but im a little slow when it comes to writing so i have know idea what to do. Also i have know idea what have of this stuff is even though i took some test and still read it.
Could any one help me with this maybe email me and walk me through so steps!!
this is so dumb they keep sendin mine back after yhe instructer told me it was fine
It is not dump maybe you did some mistakes
im working on the same pennfoster assigmet and i need some help to! i don't wanna fail!
I need help on this also
need help with analyzing an essay
iam trying to write a essay about my son death in 2008 for my penn foster writing assignment.but its hard for me to do so by myslef so someone please help me because i don't know what to write about if i don't write about that.
iam trying to write a essay about my son death in 2008 for my penn foster writing assignment for 750 to 2500 wods.but its hard for me to do so by myslef so someone please help me because i don't know what to write about if i don't write about that.thank you so much if you could help me or not
I need help this writing skill thing is a head ache why. and i still have to pay a 1000 and something dollars for this diploma. In regular school it wasn't this difficult. i cant believe this the in structors are not paying a dime toward this diploma i still have to pay a lot of money out of my pocket.this is just aweful
I need help!..Can some. Please helpme,I need to write and essay of about 750-1000 words and am having some problems.anyone??
I turn my research report in they return it to me without a grade. they said it need to be revise im confused on that. I thought i did a good job and this is all im lacking to graduate