I am to write a paper on Team Dynamics and project planning in teams. The minimal length of the paper should be around 1050 words. Below is my finished and revised paper. I just would like to know how can I not make some places plegerized and still be a direct qoate.

Also I had used the plegerize checker with the school's library and it saying that all my refrences are plegerized... I have to lauge at that because there's no other way to put down refrences. So should I listen to what they say is plegerized and try to make the changes or what?

Team Dynamics and Project Management
By Patricia Broussard
University of Phoenix
March 2, 2009

When a manger is given a task to complete they must ask the many questions that come with it. The question one might ask of a project is “How do I…?” (Dejanasz-Dowd-Schneider, 2001) This question is answered by the use of teams and understanding how to manage teams. But first what is a team one may ask? A team is a group of members assembled by a team leader or project manager to help get a project complete. The project manager looks at people from all over the company and pulls a team together by looking at their past project experiences. A team helps to get a project done on time and within budget. However with the many advantages of having teams to aid in the completion of a project as well as there are many drawbacks to having teams. In this paper, I will look at the positive needs to having teams and the drawbacks or barriers to having teams and the importance of team communications.
Some may think of teams as a good thing to have within an organization. Here are some benefits of teams; Improved processes, global competitiveness, increased quality, improved communications, reduced turnover and absenteeism and increased employee morale, increased creativity, problem solving, and innovations, and higher quality decisions as noted by (Dejanasz-Dowd- Schneider, Teams in the workplace, 2001). Other benefits of working in teams are distributing of the workload, reinforcing of individual capabilities, creating participation and involvement of team members, helping individuals make better decisions, having the feeling that a member plays a part in the work being done, and giving a diversity of ideas within the project, as stated by AbiSamra. Some may say that a major advantage a team has over a single person would be its diversity of resources, knowledge, and ideas, as stated by Armstrong and Townsley (2005). Everyone has a unique skill that they bring into a team and with this combination of unique skills everyone possesses; they help each other create new ideas to solving the problems of the task at hand.
As with many teams, there are times when things don’t quite work out as planned. This would be known as drawbacks or “barriers”. The “barriers” include the following, individual conflict over the project between team members, lack of communications between members and management causing confusion, poor management, and poorly defined project goals. Other barriers noted by Bridgeport.edu are disagreements between contractors and customers and managers, weather if the project is done outside, union strikes, and failure to comply with standards and regulations. As noted by Ammeter and Dukerich, that “as a result of the often temporary nature of teams, as well as the fact that individuals on the teams are often drawn from different functional areas, project team members may have conflicting perspectives and loyalties.” One problem that Bubshait and Farooq have noted about project teams is that a misunderstanding arises from the inner workings of multidisciplinary groups. Ultimately having these barriers within a project will help a team grow and to learn. It will not stop them from completely completing the desired task or project on time; however it will hopefully push them to get the job done on time.
With every project comes conflict on how the project is or should be done. How does a team deal with conflict can have a huge impact on the outcome of a project? Trust must be obtained among members and management staff to create an open pathway to communication. Without trust and open communications, the team will fail. There are many factors to communication breakdowns. These factors are as follows: Lack of appreciation of member’s contributions, turf battles, not understanding different languages others may speak, some may just have more of an interest in the team’s purpose and successful outcome than others. Thus these factors are just a few that are mentioned in teams working together chapter 12. No matter what project your working on with a team, managing conflict will not work unless you have a mutual respect along with the willingness to disagree and resolve disagreements. Four good keys to keeping that open communications going is listen, acknowledge, respond and resolve any remaining differences that a team member may have, as noted by Armstrong and Townsley (2005).
So, why do we have teams? Well the answer to that is team’s help managers complete a task or project given on time and within budget. A positive way to look at having teams is that a team can increase production, product quality, employee morale and many more outcomes. Also a team can provide diversity of resources, knowledge, and ideas from different areas of a company or world as noted by Armstrong and Townsley (2005). However with the positive there are some drawbacks to having teams. Just to name a few drawbacks, these would include; poor quality outcome, lack of communications and poorly defined goals for the team members and or project. With the lack of communications a project is doomed to fail unless a team can overcome this by pulling together all its recourses and bring the project to its end in a positive way. With all the factors mentioned, we now see that teams in either a learning environment or a work environment can achieve the common goal, which is to produce an awesome product that customers want and desires.

PS.. this website said I cannot post addresses so I had to remove my refrence page...

1 answer

1. Check the whole paper over for correct word choice. For example, in the first sentence, you have "manger" when it should be "manager." There's QUITE a difference!

2. This site is excellent to help you with all aspects of researching and writing:
(Broken Link Removed)
There's a section on how to use quotations correctly -- on the left, choose USING QUOTATIONS.

3. For how to cite your references properly: You need to have each source of information cited in TWO places:

A. the Works Cited page that is placed after the last page of your paper, and
B. in parentheses in the text of your paper, immediately after the quotation or paraphrase.

For example, this would go on the Works Cited page (with proper indentation for the second and following lines):

Du Bois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago, 1903. Project Bartleby. Ed. Steven van Leeuwen. Dec. 1995. Columbia U. 2 Dec. 2003

... and this would go immediately after the quotation or whatever:
(Du Bois)

The information in parentheses in the text needs to be as brief as possible. That's why there's a Works Cited page – for all the details of the listing.


In the website above, hold your cursor over the words CITING SOURCES in the left column and then click on whatever type of source you need help with. Many examples will show up. You will get two examples for each type of reference – one for the Works Cited page and one for the parenthetical (in-text) citation.

You can also see what a Works Cited page looks like – click on Sample Works Cited in the left column.


4. For further ideas about editing and proofreading, please go over your paper with the following in mind. Thanks to PsyDAG for the following:

In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)

If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.

Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts.


And here are a couple of really good websites that will help, too.

