I don't understand what "lowering the voter" means.
"online voting" -- there are already systems out there that are used by corporations that allow their stockholders (for example) to vote online with access codes. Those access codes make sure that each entitled person votes only once, but can vote on the full range of issues/people. I've never understood why our govt can't do something similar ... except maybe now, in light of the NSA and IRS mess!
"early voting" is a wonderful practice. When I lived in California, we didn't have this. People either voted by absentee ballot or in person on election day. Now I live in a state with Early Voting, and it seems to help bring up the number of voters, especially among people who normally would not or cannot get to their particular polling place on election day. Anything that brings up the numbers of voters means more participation in the whole process, and to me, that's a good thing.
Good luck.
I am to develop a policy to increase
voter turnout. It is to be a powerpoint
presentation. I want to addresses such things as online voting, lowering the voter, and early voting. I am not sure if
this is the right way to go. Can someone
please help me.
2 answers
Now ... be sure to address why why some people would oppose those voting changes.