I am supposed to respond to the following statement: Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, oil, and natural gas.
I am really unsure how to repond to it. All of these sources are infact nonrenewable. PLEASE someone help me.
Thank you
6 answers
If that's all of your assignment, then your response is the only one that can be accepted. You might contact your instructor for further directions.
its not it is only part of the assignment. That is just the only part i'm having trouble with.
the full assignment is:
Describe all of the renewable energy alternatives presented in the video.
What are some challenges with using and managing these alternative, renewable energy resources?
Name at least one other renewable energy resource not presented in the video.
Include a response to the following statement: Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, oil, and natural gas.
Describe three common challenges with managing nonrenewable energy resources. expense
the full assignment is:
Describe all of the renewable energy alternatives presented in the video.
What are some challenges with using and managing these alternative, renewable energy resources?
Name at least one other renewable energy resource not presented in the video.
Include a response to the following statement: Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, oil, and natural gas.
Describe three common challenges with managing nonrenewable energy resources. expense
oh and i don't want to use someone elses i'm just unsure what it is I am answering....and it takes days to get a response from my teachers I posted a question at the beginning of the week and still havent received an answer lol. Any guidance at all would be helpful. Thank you!
I'd just say, "It's true."
lol okay thank you that was kind of my thoughts as well but i wasn't sure if that was what they were wanting, but since you think the same thing maybe it is...thank you again.
who is your teacher? and what school are you in because I have the same assignment and having the same trouble with the same question.