I am suppose to describe what style of decision-making my organization is; but I will be honest, I am not a business major, and this material confuses me. When looking at the company i work for, I recognize that they in the past relied on benchmarking, but now lean towrd a policy of customer first. When making decisions or solving problems they perform gap anylysis and idnetify process inprovement needs and they design and develop models so that they can visulize the problem. They identify and understand problems by comparing data from varied sources in order to use effective approches in order to effectiveley choose a course of action to implement.
After evaluating the decision-making process of my workplace I was to decipher which style their approach was (scientific,collaborative, logical,consensus,and authoratative)
This is my problem, identifying it...I look at their approach and I see a logical style, but in part, I see collaborative effort. Is it possable to engage in both styles, or am I defining the syle incorrectly?
5 answers
It seems to me, as a non-business person, that the best businesses engage in more than one style.
So, do you feel I have identified the styles properly? They seem to engage in a systematic and anylitical manner, but do so in a collective effort with their team members.
I agree with you.
Thank you for your help.
You're welcome.