I am supose to write a paper, as if I have lost all vision except through the retina, and how I would then perceive images received by the retina. I guess my question is, are there any type of eye diseases where this actually takes place? And how do I learn about them?
3 answers
Since all vision IS through oiptic nerves connected to the retina, I don't understand the question. The only way vision would be lost is if an image could not even be formed on the retina, such as in a severe case of eye cataracts.
This is why I am having trouble with this assingment. Here it is word for word.
Suppose you have a disease that caused you to lose vision except from the retina. Everything you preceived was preceived by the retina. Discuss how the world might look to you and how you could use your other senses to test your visual perceptions. Be sure to mention your perception of forms, size, distance, and depth as well as your visual organization. Discuss how your hearing, touch and vestubular sense might help you determine wether your visual perceptions were accurat or illusory.
Do you think I am just supose to make something up?
Suppose you have a disease that caused you to lose vision except from the retina. Everything you preceived was preceived by the retina. Discuss how the world might look to you and how you could use your other senses to test your visual perceptions. Be sure to mention your perception of forms, size, distance, and depth as well as your visual organization. Discuss how your hearing, touch and vestubular sense might help you determine wether your visual perceptions were accurat or illusory.
Do you think I am just supose to make something up?
I think you might be confusing retina with fovea. In this case, you would lose most of your peripheral vision, somewhat like looking through a tunnel. Since the fovea contains only cones, you would maintain your color vision, but lose much of your dark adaptation.
I searched Google under the key words "foveal vision" to get these possible sources:
In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/.
If you "lose vision except from the retina," you would have normal vision. However, if the optical nerves are cut, you would find various types of blindness, depending on where the cut occurs.
Recheck your assignment for accuracy. You are also misspelling "perceived."
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
I searched Google under the key words "foveal vision" to get these possible sources:
In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/.
If you "lose vision except from the retina," you would have normal vision. However, if the optical nerves are cut, you would find various types of blindness, depending on where the cut occurs.
Recheck your assignment for accuracy. You are also misspelling "perceived."
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.