Have you read the play?
Do you know what dramatic irony is?
If not, read it.
Look up what dramatic irony is at www.google.com
If so, try answering the question.
I am suck and VERY confused about this question... please help! If you're not gonna tell me the full answer, at least give me a hint OR explain a little. Thanks!
Reread the introduction to the play.
The Straw, a play by Eugene O'Neill, is set in a factory town in Connecticut around the year 1910. At the opening of the play, Bill Carmody is waiting for Doctor nor to finish examining
Carmody's daughter Eileen. Carmody, a widower, called the doctor in earlier, when Eileen fainted.
Using what you know from reading the play, revise the introduction to add dramatic irony. Then, explain in one or two sentences how your revision added dramatic irony.
10 answers
Ok, but could you do an example?
Child -- what did you find when you googled dramatic irony?
Irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play. That's what I got.
Can you maybe give an example of what you would write? I'm confused about this question and I already know what I should be writing, but I just don't know how to add dramatic irony to that exact introduction.
can u just like answer the question Mrs. Sue?
All you have to do is basically make the introduction more dramatic such as saying Carmody waited anxiously for the outcome of the doctors examination. Or he called the doctor after his eldest child Eileen suddenly fainted.
Actually, there's a difference between drama and dramatic irony. For example, if you were watching the Titanic and before the ship crashed into the iceberg, one of the characters said "This view is so beautiful I might just die because of it!" then that's dramatic irony because that character does end up dying because of it.
Thank you golden flowers I now have an understanding of dramatic irony
Legitimately lost here. I know what dramatic irony is and all, but I don't see any place where it would fit in the introduction provided. Anyone have examples or ideas?