I am studying Japanese and I needed to know how to say these terms:
3.My name is..
5.Shut Up!!
Sorry it's just that today is my first day in Japanese class.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are the expressions for you:
1. hello = Good Morning = ohayo (like the state = Ohio), or more politely = ohayo gozaimásu. Good Day, Good Afternoon = kónnichi wa. Good evening = Kómban wa. Good night (on meeting) = Kómban wa but (on leaving) or (just before going to bed) = O-yasumi nasái.
2. Good bye = Sayónara.
3. My name is . . . = Watakushi wa . . . désu OR Watahashi no namaé wa . . . désu.
4. Do you mean "liar?" = usotsuki
5. Shut up! (most impolite!) = O-damarí nasái.
I wish you good luck! = Go-koún wo inorimásu OR o-shiawasé ni!