I am soooo confused about "tariff", that its making me sick.
Can you explain to me, is tariff good or bad. Who is it good for and who is it bad for.
My understanding is that tariff is good for the goverment, but bad for the consumers. Is this a good way of simply explaining it, or is there a lot more to it.
But if no tariff is imposed does that hurts the goverment, but benefits the consumers with low prices?
Please help!
Okay, a tariff is basically a tax, and you are right, it does benefit the government because when consumers purchase a product that is taxed, the money goes to the government. When there is no tariff,the government doesn't get any money, however, the consumer benefits because they are saving money since they aren't paying a tax (tariff) on the product they are buying.
Let me know if I helped or confused you even more...
You clarified that for me, but I have more concerns if you or anyone wouldnt mind answering. Here it goes.....
So does tariff protect jobs by the income the goverment receive from the tariff. Does that money go back into the economy to pay employees.
And if so, then tariffs is a good thing for America right?
I'm trying to determine if tariffs are beneficial more than not beneficial.
And why would one suggest that tariff is needed to encourage americans to buy U.S. made products, what and who would this benefit.
Funny part about this subject is that I understand the trade deficits, the multinstionals and so forth for this class, but tariff is confusing. Its like "okay is it a good thing or a bad thing, which one". Im quessing the answer is its good and bad, but what are the reasons behind the good and bad. Ive read article after article, and I am still confused. Anyhow....In your opinion, is tariff a good thing for America or a bad thing for America as a whole, for now and the future. Do you think that tariffs benefits us in general?
Off questions but still on subject: So when Americans were losing all there jobs, did that have something to do with tariffs?
Please help!
Yeah, I think tariffs protect jobs run by the government because those jobs would be unsuccessful without the government, which pays for the companies(jobs).
I'm not sure if the money goes for employees' salaries, but I do think that the tariff money helps to pay for the expenses of those employees' jobs, like the heating expense of the building they work in, etc.
I would say that tariffs are more beneficial, rather than not beneficial.
I there is a tariff on American-made products, then Americans would instead be encouraged to buy foreign products instead, right? So the foreign companies will benefit.
I think the tariff is both good and bad, but the only thing is, Americans don't like to spend their money if it doesn't directly benefit them. You know people hate paying taxes(tariffs). So it inconveniences the American consumer but at the same time benefits them because the government is getting money to protect their jobs.
What time period are you looking at for the last question, like during the Depression or.........
The last question is based on recent job lost. Once bush got into house, was that due to tariff issues?
Since tariff is here to protect jobs, then why did so many people lose thier jobs?
Now as far as the buying of American made products, does that help Americans and the goverment financially or what is the actual benefit?
By the way, thanks for helping me Brie!
For the first question, do you mean when Bush got into office, were jobs lost due to tariffs?
I think so many people lost their jobs because they were paying taxes in addition to other expenses, and then got laid off because so many people were getting jobs that there were too many people in that paricular occupation, since the government was helping support jobs and more and more people were applying for them.
Yes, when Americans buy Amer.-made products, they are helping their economy, or the financial position of the U.S.
No problem...
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I have a better understanding now, lets just hope it stays that way.
There are so many questions here that I will choose one to answer. Tariffs do not encourage Americans to buy U.S. made products nor will doing so make you patriotic. "Tariffs are taxes imposed on imports which makes these imports more expensive. Tariffs consist of protective (import taxes) which raises the retail price of imported products so that domestic goods are more competively priced, which are meant to save jobs for domestic workers and to keep industries (infant industries) from closing because of foreign competition; and revenue raises money for the government and are commonly used by developing countries to help infant industries compete in global markets." Nickels, p. 75-76.
5 answers
In my opinion I think the tariff does maintain a favorable balance, of trade and balance payments. But how does it work, I don't know.