I am so bad at writing and I was wondering if someone could check this over for me, I am happy to be criticized! Thanks!
Frogs are important because they devour bugs which helps keep the ecosystem in balance. Without Frogs there would be no research.
Their skeletal, muscular, digestive, nervous, and other parts of their body are very similar to other animals. They are a vital part in medical research to test new drugs. Students dissect them to have a better understanding of anatomy. If something ever happened to the frogs it would affect us.
Frogs are cold blooded which means they are amphibians. Until they become adults frogs become tailless. Generally frogs live in tropical regions they survive both on land and water. Frogs skin is usually smooth and moist this is because their skin absorbs water into their bodies so that they don’t have to drink water. Naturally frogs are different from us humans; their heart has three chambers unlike ours which has four chambers. The male frogs have a vocal sack which is used to attract female frogs.
When female frogs become pregnant, they lay there eggs in water; the eggs are covered in a jelly substance. With in three to twenty-five days the eggs hatch. When they are born they are called tadpoles, they live in the water for now. They have gills and a tail, they look very similar to fish. As time goes by there hind legs start to form first, then their front arms. They can not go on land yet because they will die. It takes a tadpole two weeks to a few months to become an adult. Finally when the tadpole is fully developed, tailless it will be able to go on land. It hops on land for the first time, and then it becomes an adult.
Since the frog can go on land and water it has more enemies than before. Bats, Heron, Fish, Raccoons, Turtles, snakes, and humans are some of its biggest enemies. The frog is flat headed, it has external eardrums and bulging eyes to see and hear his enemies. In order to protect its self from being eaten the frog camouflages itself or gives out a poison. The frog’s diet consists of worms, spiders and minnows. They eat their prey in one piece, because they only have teeth on their upper jaw; they hunt at night. Their strong hind legs help them jump and get their prey with their sticky tongue .Frogs enjoy eating insects.
Frogs are important because they provide food to people all over the world. They eat insects which is very beneficial to farmers and gardeners. Frogs provide nutrients to ponds, lakes and land. Frogs become prey to birds, mammals and reptiles and without them many animals would die; even humans would die. They are part of the ecosystem and if something happened to the frogs it would affect us. Someway somehow, we are all connected in the web of life.
Frogs are important because they devour bugs<~~”insects” would be a better word here which helps keep the ecosystem in balance. Without Frogsno capital on “frogs” unless it’s at the beginning of a sentence there would be no research. Their skeletal, muscular, digestive, nervous, and other parts of their bodyall frogs have only one body?? are very similar to the bodies of other animals. They are a vital part in medical research to test new drugs. Students dissect them to have a better understanding of anatomy. If something ever happened to the frogs<~~insert comma it would affect us. <~~that last clause is very vague; what is “it” and how would “it” (whatever it is) affect us?
Frogs are cold blooded which means they are amphibians. Until<~~change “until” to “when” they become adults<~~insert comma frogs become tailless. Generally frogs live in tropical regions<~~run-on they survive both on land and water. Frogs<~~plural possessive skin is usually smooth and moist<~~run-on this is because their skin absorbs water into their bodies so that they don’t have to drink water. Naturally frogs are different from us humans; their heart has three chambers unlike ours which has four chambers. The male frogs have a vocal sack which is used to attract female frogs.
When female frogs become pregnant, they lay there<~~?? eggs in water; the eggs are covered in a jelly substance. With in<~~sp?? three to twenty-five days the eggs hatch. When they are born<~~insert comma they are called tadpoles, <~~run-on they live in the water for now. They have gills and a tail,<~~run-on they look very similar to fish. As time goes by<~~insert comma there<~~?? hind legs start to form first, then their front arms<~~delete “arms” and insert “legs”. They can not go on land yet because they will die. It takes a tadpole two weeks to a few months to become an adult. Finally when the tadpole is fully developed, <~~?? tailless it will be able to go on land. It hops on land for the first time, and then it becomes an adult.
Since the frog can go on land and <~~insert “in” water<~~insert comma it has more enemies than before. Bats, Heron, Fish, Raccoons, Turtles, <~~no capital letters except the first word in the sentence snakes, and humans are some of its<~~?? biggest enemies. The frog is flat headed, <~~run-on it has external eardrums and bulging eyes to see and hear his enemies. In order to protect its self from being eaten the frog camouflages itself or gives out a poison. The frog’s diet consists of worms, spiders and minnows. They eat their prey in one piece, because they only have teeth on their upper jaw; they hunt at night. Their strong hind legs help them jump and get their prey with their sticky tongue .Frogs enjoy eating insects. Work on eliminating all run-ons and using either singular or plural references to frogs; switching back and forth from “it” to “they” is very confusing.
Frogs are important because they provide food to people all over the world. They eat insects which is very beneficial to farmers and gardeners. Frogs provide nutrients to ponds, lakes and land. Frogs become prey to birds, mammals and reptiles and without them many animals would die; even humans would die. They are part of the ecosystem and if something happened to the frogs<~~insert comma it would affect us. <~~?? Someway somehow, we are all connected in the web of life.