i am really struggling with my re homework and i would really appreciate any help any one can give me.

i have 5 questions i need to answer ive managed to answer 4 of them but i am struggling with this one:-

What points do Christians make about miracles.?

thankyou so much

4 answers


Read many of these articles and you should be able to come up with some conclusions of your own.

Let us know what you decide to write.
im still struggling.I don`t know what to write is this ok?
the points Christians make about miracles are that God helps them if they are ill.
Yes, that's one major response.

And don't forget things such as when that plane ran into a bunch of geese in New York and landed on the Hudson River -- and everyone was rescued.

Go through newspapers; think of others.
Scroll down.
Be careful with that response, though. That tends to set up what one of my Theology teacher called a "Vending Machine God." This is where we simply ask God for stuff in prayers and it's like we think we're putting money into a vending machine. Enough prayers (coins) = something in return from God (a snickers bar or healed father).

A miracle is when one of 2 things happen:
1) God interacts in a very special and unique way in the world.

2) Something unusual and unique happens and people explain it through their idea that it is God working.

Generally speaking, as Christians, we have faith that God's work will come out if we seek it out and let it. Even through pain, we can bring about new life. This is the story of many miracles in Scripture and a key basic lesson to be learned from practically ALL the miracles in Scripture, including the resurrection.

Not that there's anything "wrong" with the response you gave, but it is a slippery slope when some people get into that. They begin to expect things from God and are upset at both God and/or themselves when it doesn't happen. "God should have done this" or "I should have prayed more" are common thoughts among people that misinterpret that idea.

The most common miracle we can see in the Christian faith is something we overlook - strength. God, above all, gives us strength to face our toughest challenges.