I am really nervous about mathematics, so I just want to make sure I am doing these problems correctly. I figure if I am getting the incorrect answer, I must be doing them incorrectly and need to work on them some more. I THINK I have them correct, but I just want to verify. Even one or two will greatly help, if you cannot verify all of them. The images that apply to these questions can be found at (remove the spaces):

alturl. com/9snyy

1) A 180-N block rests on a frictionless inclined plane of slope angle 35°. A cord attached to the block passes over a frictionless pulley at the top of the plane and is attached to a second block. a) What must the weight of the second block be in Newtons if the system is in equilibrium? b) What is the mass of the second block in kilograms and in slugs?
1a) I got that the weight is 103 N. 2b) I got 0.07346 slug and 1.072 kg

2) A piece of angle iron is hinged as shown in (Figure 1): . Determine the resultant torque at the hinge due to the two acting forces. The top arm is 12 cm long, the bottom arm is 10 cm.
2a) I got 5.72 N x m

3) What force T at an angel of 30° above the horizontal is required to drag a 60-lb chest to the right at constant speed if μk=.22?
3a) I got tension = 17

4) Compute the center of gravity of the barbell system drawn in Figure 3. Assume the weight of the 36-in connecting rod is negligible.
4a) I got the center of gravity as being 13.8 in.