I am really confused on a question on my assignment that hopefully someone can help me with.

Spina bifida is caused by which?

1. spinal cord injury
2. birth trauma
3. chromosomal disorder

I know that I asked this question yesterday, and was told that
spina bifida is a chromosomal disorder.

In checking out info (on the internet) on spina bifida, they say its a birth defect.
But, here is what my text says:

"The most familiar of the spinal
cord injuries is spina bifida(myelomeningocele and meningocele).
The damage comes from imperfect development of the spinal cord and spinal column during the first 30
days of fetal development."

So, I thought spina bifida would be caused by a chromosomal defect.
But my text says nothing about a
chromosomal defect.

Which would be the correct answer?

spinal cord injury? birth trauma?
chromosomal disorder?

Please help!!

According to this site - spinal bifida can be either hereditary, (which might be a chromosonal disorder) OR it could be a birth defect caused by nutrition.

Spina Bifida Causes
Both genetic factors (heredity) and environmental factors, such as nutrition and exposure to harmful substances, probably contribute to spina bifida. Spina bifida does seem to run in families, although with mixed patterns of inheritance. Having a child with spina bifida increases the chance that another child will also have spina bifida by 8 times. In about 95% of cases of spina bifida, however, there is no family history of neural tube defects.

Research has suggested that many cases of spina bifida can be prevented by adequate intake of folic acid (folate) before and during early pregnancy. However, people with spina bifida appear to have abnormal metabolism of folic acid. This suggests that the underlying problem in spina bifida may be an inborn defect in folic acid metabolism rather than a simple deficiency in this nutrient.
The artical also calls it a "birth defect", meaning that it occurs inside the womb prior to birth.
Were it I, I would give both answers and then explain why. Then, let the teacher explain why one would be better than the other.

I have to put one answer, and do not know which to put!

Tamera, go with the birth defect and then ask the teacher, WHY is it can not also be a chromosonal disorder

birth defect is not one of my choices-

its either birth trauma,
spinal cord injury,
or chromosomal disorder.

Should I put birth trauma?

I know spina bifida is a birth defect.
But is birth trauma and birth defect the same thing? Please help, I am

You wrote this:
In checking out info (on the internet) on spina bifida, they say its a birth defect.
But, here is what my text says:

"The most familiar of the spinal
cord injuries is spina bifida(myelomeningocele and meningocele).
The damage comes from imperfect development of the spinal cord and spinal column during the first 30
days of fetal development."

Notice the wording "spinal cord injuries" in the first sentence. It's from your own textbook, so that has to be the answer.