One sentences are highly desirable, but rare.
This new satellite radio will reduce manufacturing and installation costs compared to present model 4532, yet have a reliability rating equivalent in MTBF greater than 56789hrs.
Now normally, objectives put forth performance subgoals, such as...
The new radio will have a demonstration model by 23July2009, and enter full production 10 months after engineering testing which shall not exceed 6 months.
Cost, Schedule, and performance is the stuff of business objectives. Measurable is the operative word. The squeamish avoid these.
I am promoting a new product for General Motors in my pr class. I need an objective for this product. Will my objective be one sentence or how will I write it, give me an example please.
3 answers
after I wrote this, I realized you are in a PR class. PR folks are addicted to fluff, not data. So my objective above suits management, but PR is much more fluff, and much less dates, cost, and performance. PR is a land I seldom visit, about as often as I visit Neverland. My engineering mentality prohibits living there.
thanks bobursley