I am pressed for time and need this assignment done by Sunday please. The language used is Java. I have attatched both worksheets to be used in this assignment. Thank you so much.

Please reread the description of the Metric Conversion program in Worksheet A in the Course Materials Forum carefully so that you know exactly what the program is supposed to do. Understanding the problem is part of the programming process. Then complete Worksheet F in the Course Materials Forum according to the following directions.

The first thing you need to provide is a list of application-level requirements for the Metric Conversion program. It will take around five or six requirements to specify how the entire computer program will operate, and the first requirement has already been filled in for you. The requirements must be consistent with the program description in Worksheet A, and the requirements must be written in clear, complete sentences so that an actual programmer could read them and understand how to write the program. As an example, the application-level requirements for that program could be as follows:

•The program will begin by asking the user to enter the name of the item.
•The program will then ask the user to enter the original price of the item.
•The program will then ask the user to enter the percentage the item is being discounted.
•The sales tax percentage will be written into the program instead of entered by the user.
•The program will use the original price of the item, the discount percentage, and the sales tax percentage to calculate the total price of the item.
•The total price of the item will be displayed to the user.

The next thing you need to provide is an Input/Process/Output (IPO) chart for the Metric Conversion program. The next thing you need to provide is a hierarchy chart for the Metric Conversion program. The next thing you need to provide is a completed set of flow charts (Worksheet H in the Course Materials Forum) for the Metric Conversion program. For each flow chart in Worksheet H, fill in the missing symbol text (denoted by a red number) in the corresponding table below the flow chart. The last thing you need to provide is the complete pseudocode that solves the Metric Conversion program. Please place your pseudocode in the designated area at the end of Worksheet H. Your pseudocode does not necessarily have to follow the flow of logic depicted in the Worksheet H flow charts (since your pseudocode designs may vary), but your code must meet all of the requirements of the Metric Conversion program described in Worksheet A.

Worksheets A, F and H
Worksheet A

Metric Conversion Final Project Overview and Timeline


The final project consists of a Metric Conversion application. This application—similar to simple, practical programs on many travel or international web sites—includes the following elements:

Complete requirements analysis
Design and code
Validation and test documentation

The Metric Conversion application is a menu-driven program. First, the program displays a Main Menu that states the purpose of the program and allows the user to select one of five metric system measurements or quit the program in the following manner:

Press the 1 key to convert meters to U.S. yards
Press the 2 key to convert kilometers to U.S. miles
Press the 3 key to convert kilograms to U.S. pounds
Press the 4 key to convert milliliters to U.S. ounces
Press the 5 key to convert liters to U.S. gallons
Press the 6 key to quit the program

After the user selects a metric measurement, the program must confirm the entry is valid (1 to 6). After validation, the program prompts the user to enter an amount of the selected metric measurement in the following manner:

Enter the amount of the metric measurement:

After user enters a metric measurement amount, the program must confirm the entry is valid (0.0 to 10000.0). After validation, the program converts the metric amount to the equivalent amount of the corresponding U.S. measurement. Here are the metric system measurements and U.S. conversions to be used:

Conversion Type: Conversion Formula:
Meters to yards 1 meter = 1.0936 U.S. yards
Kilometers to miles 1 kilometer = 0.6214 U.S. miles
Kilograms to pounds 1 kilogram = 2.205 U.S. pounds
Milliliters to ounces 1 milliliter = 0.0338 U.S. ounces
Liters to gallons 1 liter = 0.264 U.S. gallons

Finally, the program displays both the corresponding U.S. measurement name and the equivalent amount in the following manner (program output will vary based on the user’s input):

The converted amount is 11.2094 U.S. yards

Worksheet F

Application-Level Requirements
Application-Level Requirements List
Complete the following list of application-level requirements for the Metric Conversion program. The first requirement has already been entered for you.
1. The Metric Conversion Program will display a Main Menu to the user listing the available metric-to-U.S. measurement conversions available, along with an option to quit the program.
Input-Process-Output Chart
Complete the following Input-Process-Output chart for the Metric Conversion program. The first process has already been entered for you.

Input Process Output

Display Main Menu Main Menu

Hierarchy Chart

Complete the following hierarchy chart for the Metric Conversion program by typing your program module names into the textboxes below. (Text boxes not available. You need to create a Hierarchy chart.)

Worksheet H

Metric Conversion Development Assignment—Flowcharts

For each flow chart, fill in the missing symbol text (denoted with a red number) in the table below the flow chart.

Control Flow Diagram—Main Control

Box Text

Control Flow Diagram—Display Main Menu

Box Text

Control Flow Diagram—Get Metric Amount

Box Text

Control Flow Diagram—Convert Metric Amount

Box Text

Control Flow Diagram—Display Results

Box Text

Metric Conversion Development Assignment—Pseudocode

Please insert your pseudocode below to solve the Metric Conversion Program:

1 answer

You MUST be kidding! No one here will do your work for you!!