If it's written from the "I" point of view (which I doubt in a government source!), then it's 1st person point of view (pov).
If it's written from the "you" pov (which I also doubt…), it's 2nd pov.
Undoubtedly, it's written from one of the 3rd person pov's — but read the 3rd person entries on that webpage to decide which one.
I am not sure how to answer these questions because the source that I am using is a government one. bls. gov ooh (altered so I can submit my question.) I thank you for your help.
Directions: Answer the following questions using the source that you were given.
A. What is the source’s point of view?
B. Why does this make it a good source?
C. Is this source potent?
D. Why does this make it a good source?
1 answer