I am not asking anyone to do my homework, i am just asking for some gudies. I need to do a full-sentence outline on same-sex marriage. i have some ideas i would just like some adivce.

I. Main point 1 in a complete sentence. What Christians are saying about same-sex marriage?
A. Subpoint 1 in a complete sentence.
1. Supporting example 1 in a complete sentence. God states clearly that Man should be with women and women should with man.
2. Supporting example 2 in a complete sentence.
B. Subpoint 2 in a complete sentence.
1. Supporting example 1 in a complete sentence.
2. Supporting example 2 in a complete sentence.
II. Main point 2 in a complete sentence.
A. Subpoint 1 in a complete sentence.
1. Supporting example 1 in a complete sentence.
2. Supporting example 2 in a complete sentence.
B. Subpoint 2 in a complete sentence.
1. Supporting example 1 in a complete sentence.
2. Supporting example 2 in a complete sentence.
III. Main point 3 in a complete sentence.
A. Subpoint 1 in a complete sentence.
1. Supporting example 1 in a complete sentence.
2. Supporting example 2 in a complete sentence.
B. Subpoint 2 in a complete sentence.
1. Supporting example 1 in a complete sentence.
2. Supporting example 2 in a complete sentence.

14 answers

First of all, what is your thesis statement? I'll post below a lesson I have often given about writing thesis statements.

Without knowing your thesis statement, I cannot help you figure out where you're intending to take this topic.

Let me know.


Your thesis statement must include factual information plus your position/opinion/stance. Without your position on the topic, it isn't a true thesis statement. So think of this sentence as the angle you want to take on the topic and what you intend to prove by the end of your paper. (If your statement is simply factual, then there's nothing to prove!)

Read carefully and follow ALL directions.

This is one of the very best places I've seen online to help students write good thesis statements. It shows you sentences that aren't thesis statements and how to turn each one into real thesis statements.
My thesis statement is Even though some people think that same--sex marriage should be legal, Same-sex marriage
should not be legal. Because Homosexuality is against Gods will and God says man should be
with a women, women should be with man.
Be sure to write it as ONE SENTENCE:

Same-sex marriage should be not be legal because homosexuality is against God's will, and God says man should be
with a woman and a woman should be with a man.

I've made other corrections in there that you'll need to remember as you write the paper:

man = singular
woman = singular
men = plural
women = plural

That's an acceptable thesis statement. Now tell me -- what are the three main SUPPORTING POINTS you'll be using? I see one in your first post above but it's quite vague. What are these three details -- specifically -- no vague wording.
I was think that the subtopics i would use are

First of all, will same-sex marriage be a positive influence on our society as whole? Many people believe it will not. Almost every major religion in the world bans homosexuality. Our representatives are influenced by a strong majority of faith-based constituents who are asking them to keep same-sex marriage illegal for this reason.

Secondly, many people fear that history tends to repeat itself. In the past, in many cultures, an upsurge in homosexuality was usually accompanied by a societal meltdown. This is not to say it caused it.. but was a key indicator. This scares people today, and they wish to safeguard the US from the same potential breakdown by preventing these types of predictors.

Thirdly, there has been no scientific proof that proves that humans are born innately homosexual. Regardless of what Lady Gaga may want to sing about, many people still await the day of a factual discovery, but until then, it is still conjecture. Genetic material and traits are passed on to your progeny by one method only, sexual reproduction between a male and a female. It is unclear how a trait that requires us to not-reproduce could be passed on. Due to this simple fact, non-heterosexuality in all of its forms are still viewed by many as a non-proven and therefore risky way to form a government protected, family or marriage unit. There is no possible way to truly know how this type of unit could affect our culture. Many believe that it would have a sincerely negative effect.
23 hours ago Report Abuse

or i was thinking


I see whole paragraphs or single words, but you need to be concentrating right now on single, whole sentences.

Please read and study this:
(Broken Link Removed)

Then post your thesis plus one sentence each for your sections I, II, and III. (No supporting details for those three yet.)
Subtopic 1- Will same-sex marriage be a postive influence on our society.

Subtopic 2 - many people fear that history tends to repeat itself.

subtopic 3- cheuches fear that same-marraige will detory what Gods intends are.

My thesis statment.
Same-sex marriage should be not be legal because homosexuality is against God's will, and God says man should be
with a woman and a woman should be with a man.
OK, now let's do some revision. Make those sentences declarative, not interrogative (i.e., no questions!). [Did you read and understand ALL the explanations in that webpage I linked above?]

Thesis: Same-sex marriage should be not be legal because homosexuality is against God's will; God says man should be with a woman and a woman should be with a man.

I. Same-sex marriage is not a positive influence on our society.

II. History tends to repeat itself.

III. Churches fear that same-sex marriage will destroy God's intentions.

Read and re-read and study and FOLLOW the explanations of main points and sub-points in the webpage I linked above.
I have read and I have understood, but I will re-read everything again. I did revisie the sentnece.
OK. I'll check back for your next post.
I needed 2 more subtopics

Subtopic 2b God makes it clear in the Bible.

Subtopc 3B i am thinking of this one. i wanted to see if that one was ok.
I'm not making the connections here. Would you please just post what you have for section I and its sub-topics?
i am working on it
Since u helped me out so well with the other assigament, can you help me with this one.

I could not send you the rest of my outline, because it was over due. I didn't want to be anymore late on it. i guess I shouldn't wait untill the last mintue.

Here's the new question i have. I am not sure I understand how to do this.

Incorporating Statistics, Graphs, and Illustrations
the different types of statistics, graphs, and illustrations that are appropriate for your topic.
o Where do these visuals fit most effectively into your paper? Explain how these visuals strengthen your arguments.