I am looking for newspaper article describing any torts? Or I will happy if u do that for me, if u do so what is the article
What is the “ issue”?
Does it meet all of the requirements in your opinion, based on the facts you have?
How should the court rule?
What court is ( or will) this case be tried?
Can criminal action also be taken? If so why
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are some links I found:
1. http://www.questia.com/library/law/tort-reform.jsp (Questia)
2. http://www.intute.ac.uk/socialsciences/cgi-bin/browse.pl?id=120920
3. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0044-0094(192606)35%3A8%3C1021%3ATLEFMN%3E2.0.CO%3B2-%23 (Yale Law Journal)
4. http://volokh.com/posts/1156955323.shtml (about a specific case)
5. http://oncampus.osu.edu/article.php?id=1161 (from Ohio State University)