I am looking for a tutor to help me answer and communicate with the DQ questions for COM 126 Discussion Questions and Replies Weeks 2-7

I am looking for help with week’s 2-7, COM-126 Communication and the Media Discussion Questions and Replies. I will not know the DQ questions until each Monday of the week. And I will not know the replies by other students until they post obviously. But, I will post the questions as soon as I get them. I am looking to have one person to work with. So that the responses come from the same pattern of communication. Please email me with any questions and requirements for funds requested for the help.

Please read requirements before accepting or offering help.

Discussion Questions: Students must post their initial response to the 1st classroom discussion question by Day 3, and the 2nd classroom discussion question by Day 5 of each week.

Participation: Participating in classroom discussion is paramount to the learning experience. Participating in the weekly discussions allows students and instructors to share experiences, investigate complicated subject matter, share expertise, and examine the content from new perspectives. Participation credit is based on the following:

•Follow-up responses to classmates’ initial DQs that integrate course theories with a practical application of the subject, perhaps offering a personal observation or experience, or referencing real-world examples, current events, or presenting further research you have conducted on the topic.
•Interaction in classroom discussion that demonstrates deeper or broader thoughts about a topic, rather than just rephrasing what the textbook has to say on the topic.
•Posts that encourage further discussion and ongoing dialogue with other students in the class.
•Communications that are presented in a professional and supportive manner, and with a respectful tone. DO NOT INSULT or directly say that their post is wrong or incorrect.
•Messages that are proofread and contain minimal errors in writing mechanics.

1 answer

We'll be glad to help you if you post specific questions. Since the Jiskha tutors are all volunteers, we tutor when we have time. We cannot guarantee the same tutor for each question you post. We also do not send or accept email questions or answers.

Here's a question for you: What are "DQ questions?"