This is time for serious negotiations. Will the union and the taxpayers settle for 15%? 10%? 8%?
The only way the mayor can know is to sit down and talk with both his constituents and the labor leaders. What alternatives do both sides have?
I am kind of stuck on this question, I need some ideas or suggestions, thanks.
Garbage collectors (belongs to a union) in a town wants higher pay (eg 17%),but the mayor know that there is no way that taxpayers will accept a settlement near that.
What are some of the problem faced by both sides in such a labour dispute?
4 answers
It asks for the problems faced by both sides, it is as in they city will not have people collecting garbage, and the collectors won't have their paychecks? What else? other suggestions?
I have never understood why government employees handle garbage. This should be contracted to private enterprise. It seems to me this is the time to put out for bid garbage collection, and sell the cities' owned trucks and facilities.
Both sides here have constituents who have mutually exclusive interests, and a lot of time and energy will be spend on trying to reconcile them, only to have them reoccur in three years. Why would anyone organize a city that way? Some things are better left to private enterprise.
Both sides here have constituents who have mutually exclusive interests, and a lot of time and energy will be spend on trying to reconcile them, only to have them reoccur in three years. Why would anyone organize a city that way? Some things are better left to private enterprise.
Which side have a better bargaining position?