I am just curious if you know of any one I could submit an English Essay to. It is less than one page and I need someone to check grammar, spelling etc.... I didn't think this site would accept something like that but was wondering if you know of a website that could do something like that. Thank you in advanced.
8 answers
Well i don't know about a website that will check that, but if you have microsoft word, go to "TOOLS" and click on the "SPELLING AN GRAMMAR" button. It usually gives a relatively thorough chack. Hope this helps
If you post your paper, someone here will check it for you. Be sure to allow enough time -- that is, don't expect it to be done right away! It would be done tomorrow, though.
Oh my ...that is fantastic....thank you so much. Should I post it in this post or a new one?
I will just post my essay here if that is ok? I had to write an essay on a childhood memory. Thank you again for checking this, I truly appreciate it.
In December of 1979, I was six years old and Christmas day was arriving soon. It was almost a ritual on every Christmas Eve my family and I would set off to my Aunt’s house down the street for a holiday party. Although I was excited about going, I could never imagine how that Christmas Eve would change my opinion in what I believed was Santa Clause.
When the morning of Christmas Eve arrived, my mother was in the kitchen baking the most delicious cookies a person could imagine. The aroma of freshly bakes cookies lingered throughout the house. Being that I was barely six at the time, my mother was always kind enough to let me help bake her homemade cookies. So, I rolled up my sleeves and started decorating the cookies. Little did my mother know that I stole a taste of a few cookies when she wasn’t looking. Hours later when the baking was finished and the kitchen was clean, it was time for my family and me to travel to my Aunt’s house. The best thing was she lived a few houses down the street so; the drive wasn’t long at all.
We arrived at my Aunt’s house to many hugs and kisses from extended family members. Her house was decorated with miniature ceramic villages and a stunning Christmas tree filled with bright colored lights, sparkly tinsel and huge ornaments. We barely heard the Christmas music playing above the talking and laughter from everyone. The family sat at the dining room table together to snack on some of the delicious cookies my mother baked along with fresh pastries and coffee. The night was going by so quickly that I didn’t realize what time it was until my mother told me we should leave because Santa Clause was coming soon. As the words came out of my mother’s mouth, my Aunt exclaimed, “Christy still believes in Santa Clause?” I stood there like a deer in head lights as if my whole world had just fallen apart. My mother tried desperately to cover it up by saying “Santa is coming and he will be here real soon, so we better go home and get to bed”.
When we arrived home my mother told me to put my pajamas on and jump into bed. I could hear the sadness in her voice that the truth about Santa Clause was told to me. Because I didn’t want to see my mom upset I pretended I didn’t hear anything and acted as if Santa Clause was still coming. She acted surprised that I didn’t take notice of what my Aunt blurted out and suddenly became very excited again. I knew in that instance there was no way I could let her know that I didn’t believe in Santa Clause anymore, at least until next year.
Christmas morning came for me when I woke up around 5am. I woke everyone in the house because I couldn’t hold in the excitement of opening up presents. We all gathered around the Christmas tree to sort out the gifts. I could see from the corner of my eye that my mom was watching to see the expression I had on my face. I knew she was trying to determine whether I had believed if Santa Clause came or not. As I ripped opened the wrapping paper on my first gift my mother questioned me, “who is that from?” to which I shouted, “Santa”. Her eyes filled with tears and she gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen.
Inasmuch as I was six years old and no longer believed in Santa Clause, I learned that I can make someone else happy and in return it would make me happy. I knew from that moment, this Christmas was going to be one I would remember for a long time.
In December of 1979, I was six years old and Christmas day was arriving soon. It was almost a ritual on every Christmas Eve my family and I would set off to my Aunt’s house down the street for a holiday party. Although I was excited about going, I could never imagine how that Christmas Eve would change my opinion in what I believed was Santa Clause.
When the morning of Christmas Eve arrived, my mother was in the kitchen baking the most delicious cookies a person could imagine. The aroma of freshly bakes cookies lingered throughout the house. Being that I was barely six at the time, my mother was always kind enough to let me help bake her homemade cookies. So, I rolled up my sleeves and started decorating the cookies. Little did my mother know that I stole a taste of a few cookies when she wasn’t looking. Hours later when the baking was finished and the kitchen was clean, it was time for my family and me to travel to my Aunt’s house. The best thing was she lived a few houses down the street so; the drive wasn’t long at all.
We arrived at my Aunt’s house to many hugs and kisses from extended family members. Her house was decorated with miniature ceramic villages and a stunning Christmas tree filled with bright colored lights, sparkly tinsel and huge ornaments. We barely heard the Christmas music playing above the talking and laughter from everyone. The family sat at the dining room table together to snack on some of the delicious cookies my mother baked along with fresh pastries and coffee. The night was going by so quickly that I didn’t realize what time it was until my mother told me we should leave because Santa Clause was coming soon. As the words came out of my mother’s mouth, my Aunt exclaimed, “Christy still believes in Santa Clause?” I stood there like a deer in head lights as if my whole world had just fallen apart. My mother tried desperately to cover it up by saying “Santa is coming and he will be here real soon, so we better go home and get to bed”.
When we arrived home my mother told me to put my pajamas on and jump into bed. I could hear the sadness in her voice that the truth about Santa Clause was told to me. Because I didn’t want to see my mom upset I pretended I didn’t hear anything and acted as if Santa Clause was still coming. She acted surprised that I didn’t take notice of what my Aunt blurted out and suddenly became very excited again. I knew in that instance there was no way I could let her know that I didn’t believe in Santa Clause anymore, at least until next year.
Christmas morning came for me when I woke up around 5am. I woke everyone in the house because I couldn’t hold in the excitement of opening up presents. We all gathered around the Christmas tree to sort out the gifts. I could see from the corner of my eye that my mom was watching to see the expression I had on my face. I knew she was trying to determine whether I had believed if Santa Clause came or not. As I ripped opened the wrapping paper on my first gift my mother questioned me, “who is that from?” to which I shouted, “Santa”. Her eyes filled with tears and she gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen.
Inasmuch as I was six years old and no longer believed in Santa Clause, I learned that I can make someone else happy and in return it would make me happy. I knew from that moment, this Christmas was going to be one I would remember for a long time.
In December of 1979, I was six years old and Christmas day was arriving soon. It was almost a ritual on every Christmas Eve my family and I would set off to my Aunt’s house down the street for a holiday party. Although I was excited about going, I could never imagine how that Christmas Eve would change my opinion in what I believed was Santa Clause. In this paragraph, you need to add a comma in compound sentence (link below to explain this), fix run-on, correct the spelling of “Santa Claus,” and simplify “my opinion in what I believed was Santa Clause.”
When the morning of Christmas Eve arrived, my mother was in the kitchen baking the most delicious cookies a person could imagine. The aroma of freshly bakes cookies lingered throughout the house. Being that I was barely six at the time, my mother was always kind enough to let me help bake her homemade cookies. So, I rolled up my sleeves and started decorating the cookies. Little did my mother know that I stole a taste of a few cookies when she wasn’t looking. Hours later when the baking was finished and the kitchen was clean, it was time for my family and me to travel to my Aunt’s house. The best thing was she lived a few houses down the street so; the drive wasn’t long at all. In this paragraph, get rid of “being that” and rephrase; delete comma after “So”; use lower-case letter “a” on “aunt” unless you name her (e.g., Aunt Sally).
We arrived at my Aunt’s house to many hugs and kisses from extended family members. Her house was decorated with miniature ceramic villages and a stunning Christmas tree filled with bright colored lights, sparkly tinsel and huge ornaments. We barely heard the Christmas music playing above the talking and laughter from everyone. The family sat at the dining room table together to snack on some of the delicious cookies my mother baked along with fresh pastries and coffee. The night was going by so quickly that I didn’t realize what time it was until my mother told me we should leave because Santa Clause was coming soon. As the words came out of my mother’s mouth, my Aunt exclaimed, “Christy still believes in Santa Clause?” I stood there like a deer in head lights as if my whole world had just fallen apart. My mother tried desperately to cover it up by saying “Santa is coming and he will be here real soon, so we better go home and get to bed”. In this paragraph, check capitalization and spelling again; see about commas in series and with quoted elements (#1 and #6 in the linked page below).
When we arrived home my mother told me to put my pajamas on and jump into bed. I could hear the sadness in her voice that the truth about Santa Clause was told to me. Because I didn’t want to see my mom upset I pretended I didn’t hear anything and acted as if Santa Clause was still coming. She acted surprised that I didn’t take notice of what my Aunt blurted out and suddenly became very excited again. I knew in that instance there was no way I could let her know that I didn’t believe in Santa Clause anymore, at least until next year. Check spelling, commas, capitalization.
Christmas morning came for me when I woke up around 5am. I woke everyone in the house because I couldn’t hold in the excitement of opening up presents. We all gathered around the Christmas tree to sort out the gifts. I could see from the corner of my eye that my mom was watching to see the expression I had on my face. I knew she was trying to determine whether I had believed if Santa Clause came or not. As I ripped opened the wrapping paper on my first gift my mother questioned me, “who is that from?” to which I shouted, “Santa”. Her eyes filled with tears and she gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen. Check on punctuation and spacing with abbreviations (link below); use “that” rather than “if” after “believed”; use “had come” rather than “came”; commas; capitalization.
Inasmuch as I was six years old and no longer believed in Santa Clause, I learned that I can make someone else happy and in return it would make me happy. I knew from that moment, this Christmas was going to be one I would remember for a long time. Find a better word for “inasmuch as”; spelling; verb tense (be consistent in past tense); commas; clarify “it.”
See #2 for compound sentences.
Scroll about halfway down to “Words used with Numbers.”
When the morning of Christmas Eve arrived, my mother was in the kitchen baking the most delicious cookies a person could imagine. The aroma of freshly bakes cookies lingered throughout the house. Being that I was barely six at the time, my mother was always kind enough to let me help bake her homemade cookies. So, I rolled up my sleeves and started decorating the cookies. Little did my mother know that I stole a taste of a few cookies when she wasn’t looking. Hours later when the baking was finished and the kitchen was clean, it was time for my family and me to travel to my Aunt’s house. The best thing was she lived a few houses down the street so; the drive wasn’t long at all. In this paragraph, get rid of “being that” and rephrase; delete comma after “So”; use lower-case letter “a” on “aunt” unless you name her (e.g., Aunt Sally).
We arrived at my Aunt’s house to many hugs and kisses from extended family members. Her house was decorated with miniature ceramic villages and a stunning Christmas tree filled with bright colored lights, sparkly tinsel and huge ornaments. We barely heard the Christmas music playing above the talking and laughter from everyone. The family sat at the dining room table together to snack on some of the delicious cookies my mother baked along with fresh pastries and coffee. The night was going by so quickly that I didn’t realize what time it was until my mother told me we should leave because Santa Clause was coming soon. As the words came out of my mother’s mouth, my Aunt exclaimed, “Christy still believes in Santa Clause?” I stood there like a deer in head lights as if my whole world had just fallen apart. My mother tried desperately to cover it up by saying “Santa is coming and he will be here real soon, so we better go home and get to bed”. In this paragraph, check capitalization and spelling again; see about commas in series and with quoted elements (#1 and #6 in the linked page below).
When we arrived home my mother told me to put my pajamas on and jump into bed. I could hear the sadness in her voice that the truth about Santa Clause was told to me. Because I didn’t want to see my mom upset I pretended I didn’t hear anything and acted as if Santa Clause was still coming. She acted surprised that I didn’t take notice of what my Aunt blurted out and suddenly became very excited again. I knew in that instance there was no way I could let her know that I didn’t believe in Santa Clause anymore, at least until next year. Check spelling, commas, capitalization.
Christmas morning came for me when I woke up around 5am. I woke everyone in the house because I couldn’t hold in the excitement of opening up presents. We all gathered around the Christmas tree to sort out the gifts. I could see from the corner of my eye that my mom was watching to see the expression I had on my face. I knew she was trying to determine whether I had believed if Santa Clause came or not. As I ripped opened the wrapping paper on my first gift my mother questioned me, “who is that from?” to which I shouted, “Santa”. Her eyes filled with tears and she gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen. Check on punctuation and spacing with abbreviations (link below); use “that” rather than “if” after “believed”; use “had come” rather than “came”; commas; capitalization.
Inasmuch as I was six years old and no longer believed in Santa Clause, I learned that I can make someone else happy and in return it would make me happy. I knew from that moment, this Christmas was going to be one I would remember for a long time. Find a better word for “inasmuch as”; spelling; verb tense (be consistent in past tense); commas; clarify “it.”
See #2 for compound sentences.
Scroll about halfway down to “Words used with Numbers.”
I can't thank you enough for taking the time to read through this and help me out the way that you did. Thank you very much! CJ
You're very welcome. Go get A's!
Im goood ad sbelig