I am in need of blatant advice. I believe certain things. When I have to answer an open or multiple choice question for school that the answer they want me to put directly defies my beliefs and goes against my principles should I answer honestly what I believe or tell them what they want to hear? I have answered honestly several times in the past and got bad grades ( I just got a 60% yesterday on a 5 question Language Arts assessment, because I answered two questions about a story I read honestly. i.e. What should he have done differently? I answered a valid answer based on the situation and what I felt he should have done differently ). I don't want to conform and just go with what they tell me should be true, but I would like to get good grades. In essence most of the things in the world are opinions after all and I don't feel they have the right to tell me what is and what isn't correct in reference to my worldviews- political, social, cultural, spiritual, personal, etc. I feel that if they are going to ask a question that is opinion based in nature then they should expect answers of the same sort. I can't write side notes as I go to an online middle school. Please give me your advice. I would really appreciate it as I am torn between strong beliefs and good grades.
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