I am having trouble identifying the flaws in my code. I need to created a program that calculates the rainfall for a given year in months. I needed it to show the total amount of rain for the year, the average monthly rainfall, and the months with the highest and lowest amounts. So far I got everything to calculate and display correctly all except the highest and lowest months. I have included the full code. Thanks.

using namespace std;

void main()
double rainfall[12], totalrainfall=0, avgrainfall =0, maximum =0, minimum=0;
int i,j,k,m,mimo, mamo;
char monthnames[12] = {'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Ju…

for (i=0;i<12;i++)
cout<<"Enter rainfall for month "<<i+1<<":";
cin>>rainfall[i]; //capture all rainfall values from user

totalrainfall = totalrainfall + rainfall[j]; //calculate total rainfall

cout<<"Total rainfall for the year:"<<totalrainfall<<endl;

avgrainfall = totalrainfall/12; //calculate average rainfall
cout<<"Average monthly rainfall: "<<avgrainfall<<endl;

maximum = rainfall[0];
if (rainfall[k] > maximum)
maximum = rainfall[k]; //find maximum rainfall value
mamo = k; //month with max rainfall

{cout<<"Maximum rainfall month: "<<monthnames[mamo]<<endl;}

minimum = rainfall[0];
if (rainfall[m] < minimum)
minimum = rainfall[m];
mimo = m;
{cout<<"Minimum rainfall month: "<<monthnames[mimo]<<endl;}


2 answers

Don't know which version of C++ you use.
In general, string≠char, but
char * points to a string with a '\0' termination character.

You could use the string class, for monthnames, or use an array of pointers, such as:
char *monthnames[]={"Jan","Feb",...};
depending on whether you are allowed to use pointers.

I have not compiled your program to see if there are other problems. If you find other problems, post.