I am having trouble I need help revising the following using the APA guidelines

Title: Improving Workplace Communication Today
Name: Lu Bo
College: BSC
Course: Workplace Communications
Instructor: Ms. Baker
Date: 10/04/2019

In today’s workplace, communication takes many different forms. Around the world, colleagues are communicating in ways unheard of 20 or 30 years ago.
In her article “Good Internal Communication Doesn’t Just Happen,” Molly Mosley (2019), shares strategies for having workplace communication among colleagues that promotes an energetic, communicative, and collaborative work environment.
Mosely’s key points are to build trust by showing interests in employees during small talk, try to be an active listener, ensure that employees have access to specialized communication training, and allow employees to have an open door policy on feedback (2019). By keeping these simple points in mind, a leader of an organization will have created an environment where colleagues can communicate freely with one another and their supervisor,

Reference on separate paper

1 answer

This is one of the BEST websites I've found for instructions and examples to help students use and follow APA guidelines:

The left-hand column is the table of contents.