I am having trouble finding an example from a business, news reports, government, economics, or etc. where the decisions made produced a negative consequences. I just need some references to do some research from. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Adoption of "supply-side" economic theory cause masssive Federal Deficits. Search "supply side economics" on Google.
The recent capturing of the British Sailors by IRAN caused them much worldwide ill will, and will negatively affect them long term (business investment, tourism).
The decision several years ago that Congress made that companies can patent plants and drugs (chemicals) so no one else can make them: greatly drove up the prices for needed drugs in the US.
The decision to enter into "Trade Agreements" with Central American nations that allowed them to make and sell anything in the US without tariff and restriction, but the reciprocal trade is not allowed. Negative consequence is loss of manufacturing jobs in the US.