Cw=1.00; Mw=143.4; Cs=0.11; Ms=30.0; Cc=0.22; Mc=57.7;To=23.9; Tf=14.2;Mi=16.7
The closing parenthesis ] is missing.
What does // mean after (To - Tf)? Is the first /supposed to be a ]?
Until these items are corrected, an answer is not obtainable.
Removing the first [ and one of the / yields 572.63.
Other possibilities are
Lf=[(CwMw+CsMs+CcMc)(To-Tf)]/Mi - CwTf
Lf=[(CwMw+CsMs+CcMc)(To-Tf)]/(Mi - CwTf)
Lf=[(CwMw+CsMs+CcMc)(To-Tf)/Mi] - CwTf
I am having difficulty with this equation. I have been working with it for several weeks! Please Help.
the equation is this:
solve for Lf
Cw=1.00; Mw=143.4; Cs=0.11; Ms=30.0; Cc=0.22; Mc=57.7;To=23.9; Tf=14.2;Mi=16.7
I keep comming up with something in the neighborhood of 618.5 cal/g
the computer program we ran during this experiment has Lf=78.4 cal/g
Lf needs to equal as close to 80 cal/g and I need to be with in 10% 80 cal/g. Can anyone help me.
Here is what I've been doing what am I doing wrong?
1 answer