I am going to bed at 8:30 it's 7:45 or 7:47 so do I have enough time to complete my eassy that's 4 paragraph plz tell me

This is not a homework question but plz help me

9 answers

Depends, if you can write that fast.. but i would say unlikely.
You certainly do not have enough time when you're posting unanswerable questions here.

I'll also tell you that 45 minutes is not enough time to write a good essay.
Possibly, but it depends what the essay is exactly. You could always get up a bit earlier to complete it if you can't finish it all today.
Not unless you want it to be rushed and sloppy. Unless, you are one of I those rare people who has way with words and can get an essay perfect in a cinch. Not a lot of people can do that. It also depends on what the essay is about, the details it requires, etc. When is it due? If it is tomorrow, then I suggest you stay up as long as it takes to do your very best on the essay. And next time, give yourself more time to do an essay or project etc.
It's about one of the eye withneys news person dose reserch about her history and finds out her great 10 more greats was a slave and a fighter for Abraham Lincoln
Get off Jiskha -- and write your essay!
Yup. You definitely need more time! I suggest you get started, stop posting on here(no offense) and stay up as long as it takes to do your best on it.
Oh yea if you have notes and know what you are going to talk about. Just go for it but make sure you get it done earlier next time
Don't forget that you will have to spend a half hour correcting your spelling and grammar, too!