I am given a question where I have to state which combination of electrodes will result in the greatest voltage and which will result in the lowest voltage. The metals given are Zinc, Copper, Silver and Hydrogen

I calculated the Ecell for each combination and got the following:

Zinc & Hydrogen: 0.76 V
Zinc & Silver: 1.56 V
Zinc & Copper: 1.1 V
Silver & Copper: 0.46 V
Silver & Hydrogen: 0.8 V
Copper & Hydrogen: 0.34 V

Why isn't the lowest voltage Copper and Hydrogen and why isn't the highest voltage Zinc and silver?

4 answers

I know we've talked about this before. Do you have some reason for knowing your answers are not right. Also, I'm still a little confused about how this is to be done; for example, if I use H2 and Ag (as opposed to Ag and H2) the voltage is -0.8 and that would be lower than any listed. But if that is allowed then Ag and Zn would be -1.56v which is even lower. So the reverse of the highest couple would be the lowest. As I say, I'm just not sure about the guidelines of the question. Perhaps you can shed some light on the subject.
Well I'm a bit confused. I have an assignment where I am to do an online lab. First I'm supposed to find the highest and lowest voltage. For all of my Ecell, I got a positive answer. I have another question which says "Explain what a negative voltage on the volt meter means." but I do not have any negatives voltages. So that made me second-guess highest and lowest voltage results
I am also supposed to write out a balanced equation and cell notation equation for each reaction that produced a positive voltage, but all of mine were positive
I think you need to find a way to clarify the question.
As an example of what is missing,
Zn ==> Zn^2+ + 2e Eocell = +0.76
Cu^2+ + 2e ==> Cu Eocell = +0.34
Zn + Cu^2+ ==> Zn^2+ + Cu and Ecell = about 1.1 v BUT it isn't clear that you can also consider the reverse of that reaction for
Zn^2+ + Cu ==> Zn + Cu^2+ Ecell = about -1.1v.
As to the negative voltage on the voltmeter, that is because the cell is spontaneous in the direction opposite to the physical hook up of the voltmeter. What I mean by that is that the voltmeter is hooked up with the + terminal hooked to the negative terminal of the cell and the - terminal of the voltmeter is hooked to the + terminal of the cell. In other words the electrons are flowing in the opposite direction to the way the voltmeter is wired into the circuit.