I am getting problems with my calculations. For the first part of the question I got 68 when I try another calculation I got 1. One of the method used was Degree of freedom =(r-1)(c-1).
TABLE 12-7
The director of transportation of a large company is interested in the usage of her van pool. She considers her routes to be divided into local and non-local. She is particularly interested in learning if there is a difference in the proportion of males and females who use the local routes. She takes a sample of a day's riders and finds the following:
Male Female Total
Local 27 44 71
Non-Local 33 25 58
Total 60 69 129
She will use this information to perform a chi-square hypothesis test using a level of significance of 0.05.
(a) Referring to Table 12-7, the test will involve ________ degree(s) of freedom.
A) 1
B) 59
C) 68
D) 128
(b) Referring to Table 12-7, the overall or average proportion of local riders is ________.
A) 1.00
A) 0.01
A) 0.5504
A) 0.55
A) 0.05
(c) Referring to Table 12-7, the expected cell frequency in the Male/Local cell is ________.
A) 33.02
A) 33.00
A) 0.300
A) 0.330
A) 3.302
3 answers
Where O = Observed Frequency and E = Expected Frequency
E = (column total*row total)/grand total
(a) (2-1)(2-1) = ?
(b) Local total/grand total = ?
(c) E = ?
b) C
c) B