I am doing Unit Analysis and I can not fugure out how to set the promble up on these 3. Am not great at these because there like word prombles can you please help. I just need to know how to set it up.

1.How many cubic meters are there in a cubic mile?
(1 mi = 1609.344 m.)

2.My 1967 Encyclopædia Britannica says that Lake Erie has a surface area of 9930 square miles and an average depth of 58 feet. How much water does it hold, in cubic miles? in liters?
(1 mi = 5280 ft; 1 liter = 0.001 m³, and use the answer to the previous problem.)

3.Lake Erie has a surface area of 9930 square miles. If an inch of rain falls on the lake one day, how many gallons have been added to its volume? How many liters?
(1 mi = 5280 ft; 1 ft = 12 in; 1 US gal = 231 in³; 1 US gal = 3.785 liters.)

2 answers

1. (1609.344)^3 = ?

2. volume in miles = 9930 * 58/5280 = ? cubic miles

Above answer times answer to #1 = volume in meters

Volume in meters *.001 = ? liters

I'll leave the last one for you. Use similar processes that were used in the first two problems.
Thank you but I need to know how to write them out, I have tryed many different ways but when I cross it doesn't come out right. I know what the answer is I just need to know how to get them. So do I write it out like this.
1609.344/1 X 1/1609.344 x 1/1609.344