I am doing pre algabra math and I am in 7th grade I need help to simplify the expression
5 answers
you need to post the expression and someone will help you
Whats The Math Problem?? Maybe I Can Help..!! :)
math the expression 4(3)+4(3)
*4 *4
*4 *4
I don't think you need to care about the performance here. The || oerpator should be slightly faster but compared to the slow DOM code browsers have it is just a drop in the ocean.The expressions are not identical because that would break semantics. When using the ternary oerpator the expression is executed twice. Here is a test case that shows that they are different:var c = 0;function f() { return c++;}var a = f() || a'; // a'var b = f() || b'; // 1// resetc = 0;a = f() ? f() : a'; // a'b = f() ? f() : b'; // 2