i am doing a project on economic activities for geographyplease help me by giving me information today . right now i find 15 persons for our project and asks 7 question and find out answer from those persons and also make a 2 pie chart and graphs on the answer of each question . questions are following;

what is the occupation of a person?
what is the age of that person?
what is the education level of that person?
what kind of your locality?
what are the effects on economic activities on the environment of your locality?
what are the effects of the development of technology on the economic activities of your locality?
what is the caste of that person?
please give me answer of these question and also pie chart and graph plase! please!

1 answer

You need to define categories, preferably multiple-choice, for the answers to some of your questions, to aid you in drawing a pie chart. Otherwise, you will get 15 different answers to each question. That would not make an interesting graph or pie chart.

We do not have a caste system where I live.

It is you who must create the pie chart or graph, not the answerer of each of your sets of questions.