I am doing a powerpoint presentation about neurons. I need to include pictures of the nervous system, the central nervous system, neurons, and various things related to the subject. I am having trouble finding these pictures because many of them have very small font so they are unreadable. Can someone halp? Thank you.
4 answers
Have you checked Google Images?
Hi Ms.Sue- I went to ask and checked those images. The problem is I am trying to include a diagram of the nervous system and the central nervous system and no matter how much I resize the picture it is still unreadable because the font is just too small. The assignment is that we have to make a lesson plan to teach sixth grade level students about neurons. I was starting with the nervous system. Any suggestions? Your help is appreciated!
I Googled neurons kids and found this site that may help you.
You may also check your library for suitable images.
You may also check your library for suitable images.
Have you thought of scanning images from your textbook?
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.