I am doing a marketing assignment on the website for Kraft. I am supposed to find out their product mix width, length, depth and consistency. I am a bit confused though. As far as the company's width I think it is: health and wellness; quick meals; snacks; and premium but I am not certain. Then as far as the product mix length i understand that it means the total numbers of items witin each product line but their website doesn't give much detail so I think an axample would be under snacks they have Oreo, and Crystal Light.....am I in the right track?

1 answer

they just want you hooked, want their product to cycle through your diet as often as possible. I feel that the wellness and health are just used to push their products, quick meals, snacks...like i said as often as possible, fast. Kraft products are full of things that make u fat, they taste good but are unhealthy...

On a serious note*
Width-is what they cover. Think of this as Departments.

Length- is the area of Departments covered, they will vary according to product line.

Depth&Consistency- Would refer to how often they have been in each Department and for what Duration. Whether it is new or familiar.

Try to look at this link, I would have researched a greater source but I feel this is good to start with. It has a plenty of kraft products. Ok they wont let me post websites.. google, "list of kraft" it will be the first link from geocities.
let me know if this helped u.