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I am doing a literary research paper on chaucers canterbury tales. I need help in writing my thesis for this paper also i can not figure out a topic.
6 answers
I am looking at Chaucer'streatment of women. I don't know where i should start my research
I am looking at Chaucer's treatment of women in the Canterbury Tales. I don't know where i should start my research. Please help.
How does Chaucer treat the women among his characters? As "equals" to the men? As foils for the men? Or ???
What do you want to PROVE about how Chaucer treats the women?
Be sure to read and study this webpage to make sure you write a GOOD thesis statement.
What do you want to PROVE about how Chaucer treats the women?
Be sure to read and study this webpage to make sure you write a GOOD thesis statement.
I am looking into the ther character the Wife of Bath
OK. What do you want to say/prove about her?